Saturday, 28 July 2012

Holding of PA/SA Recruitment 2012-Directorate issued orders.

Directorate has been issued orders for holding of PA/SA recruitment 2012 vide Memo No.A-34012/5/2011-DE dated 13/07/2012.  Some Important dates are placed here under for the information of the blog viewers.
1.Notification will be issued by the Circle Heads and Sale of Applications start from 11/08/2012
2.Last date of sale of application forms is 25/09/2012
3.Last date for submission of the application is 01/10/2012
4. cost of the application is Rs.50/- and fee for examination is Rs.200/-. Fee has to be paid in to UCR/ACG-17 in any of the Post Office. Fee relaxation will be there for Women/PH/SC/ST Candidates.
5.Completed applications has to be sent to Direct Recruitment Cell, New Delhi HO, New Delhi-110001 through Speed Post/Regd.Post only. Applications sent through couriers will not be accepted.
6.Age: between 18 to 27 years for General category candidates, relaxation will be up to 3 years for OBCs and 5 years for SC/ST candidates.
7.Qualification: 10+2 or equivalent passed with 60% marks for OCs, 55%-  for OBCs -  and 45% sc/st

Monday, 23 July 2012


A Notification for Direct recruitment of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants is to be issued on 11-08-2012 in leading news papers in English/Hindi.

The cost of Application form is Rs. 50/- sale of Application forms will commence from 11-08-2012 and closes by 25-09-2012 in all Head post offices. Examination fee Rs. 200/- is to be paid in ACG 67/UCR.

Last date for receipt of Applications 01-10-2012



The Examination for eligible Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) to fill up the unfilled vacancies of LGO Examination will also be held as per extant Rules/guidelines of the department on the same day and time decided for Direct Recruitment as per the same syllabus etc.


for more details click the given link

Friday, 20 July 2012

Clarification on fixation of allowance of newly appointed GDS

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Injustice caused to promotion in MACP- quashed fantastic orders pronounced by CAT Jodhpur

 *   Promotion as PA from Group D/ Postmen should not be construed as Promotion under MACP
*   MACP shall be granted afresh from PA cadre based on 10, 20, 30 years in PA
*  Any promotions under LDCE shall not be brought into no. of promotions under MACP

*  Applicant should be paid arrears with interest applicable to GPF

The full text of the judgment  click on download

Tuesday, 17 July 2012


1. (1) These Rules may be called the Department of Posts (Postman and Mail Guard) Recruitment Rules, 2010.
(2)They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
1. (1)These Rules may be called the Department of Posts (Postman and Mail Guard) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2012.
(2) They shall come in to force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In the Schedule to the Department of Posts (Postman and Mail Guard) Recruitment Rules, 2010, against serial number 1 relating to the post of Postman,--
Column No.8
Matriculation or Equivalent from a recognized Board or University for direct recruitment from open market. No education qualification is prescribed for direct recruitment limited to Gramin Dak Sevaks.
(i) in column (8), in the entry, after the word “Matriculation”, the words “or Equivalent” shall be omitted.
Column No.11
(a)25% by promotion by selection of Multi Tasking Staff of the recruiting division;
(b)25% on the basis of Limited Depart-mental Competitive Examination by promotion from amongst Multi Tasking Staff of the recruiting Division with three years regular service in the grade including service put in , if any, against an erstwhile Group’D’ post on regular basis as on the 1st January of the year to which the vacancy(ies) belong failing which by direct recruitment.
(C)25% by recruitment on the basis of Competitive examination limited to Gramin Dak Sevaks* of the recruiting Division who have worked for at least five years in that capacity as on the 1st day of January of the year to which the vacancy(ies) belong failing which by direct recruitment;
*Gramin Dak Sevaks are holders of Civil posts but they are outside the regular Civil Service due to which their appoint-ment will be by direct recruitment.
(d)25% by direct recruitment from open market.
Note:1: The scheme for Direct Recruit-ment shall be as per administrative instructions issued by the Department from time to time.
(ii)in column (11), the entry,-
(A)for clauses (a) and (b) the following clause shall be substituted namely:-
“(a)50% on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination by promotion from amongst Multi Tasking Staff of the recruiting Division with three years regular service in the grade including service put in, if any, against an erstwhile Group’D’ post on regular basis as on he 1st January of the year to which the vacancy(ies) belong failing which, from amongst Multi Tasking Staff of the neighbouring Division/Unit on the basis of the said Examination, failing which by direct recruitment from open market”

(B)for clauses (c) and (d), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
“(b)50% by direct recruitment on the basis of Competitive Examination Limited to Gramin Dak Sevaks* of the recruiting Division who have worked for at least five years in that capacity as on the 1st day of January of the year to which the vacancy(ies) belong, failing which from amongst Gramin Dak Sevaks of the neighbouring Division/Unit on the basis of the said Examination, failing which by direct recruitment from open market.
*Gramin Dak Sevaks are holders of Civil posts by they are outside the regular Civil Service due to which their appointment will be by direct recruitment.”;
Column No.12
(i)25% by promotion of Multi Tasking Staff of the recruiting Division with three years regular service in the grade including service put in, if any, against an erstwhile Group D post on regular basis.
Note 1: Where juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service are being considered for promotion, their seniors would also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying or eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying/eligibility service or two years, whichever is less, and have successfully completed their probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along with their juniors who have already completed such qualifying or eligibility service.
(ii)25% on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination by promotion from amongst Multi Tasking Staff of the recruiting Division with three years regular service in the grade including service put in , if any , against an erstwhile Group’D’ post on regular basis.

Note 2 : [Applicable for (i) and (ii) above] :
For the purpose of computing minimum qualifying service for promotion, the service rendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to 1-1-2006 (the date from which the revised pay structure based on the 6th Central Pay Commission recommendations has been extended) shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding pay/pay scale extended based on the recommendations of the Pay Commission.

Note 3: The scheme for Limited Depart-mental Competitive Examination shall be as per administrative instructions issued by the Department from time to time.
(iii)in column (12), in the entry,-
(A)for clause(i), Note 1 and clause (ii), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
“50% on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination by promotion from amongst Multi Tasking Staff of the recruiting Division with three years regular service in the grade including service put in, if any, against an erstwhile Group’D’ post on regular basis as on the 1st January of the year to which the vacancy(ies) belong, failing which from amongst Multi Tasking Staff of the neighbouring Division/ Unit on the basis of the said Examination, failing which by direct recruitment from open market”;
(B)”Note 2” shall be re-numbered as “Note 1” as so re-numbered, the brackets, words and figures” [Applicable for (i) and (ii) above]” shall be omitted;
(C)”Note 3”shall be renumbered as “Note 2.”

According to Amended Recruitment Rules, 2012 :

 ( 3Years Service)

(5 years Service)





1.(1) These may be called the Department of Posts Multi Tasking Staff Recruitment Rules, 2010.

2.They shall come in to force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
1.(1)These may be called the Department of Posts Multi Tasking Staff Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2012.
2.They shall come in to force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2.In the Schedule to the Department of Multi Tasking Staff Recruitment Rules, 2010 -
Serial No.1
Column No.7
18-27 years (Relaxable for Government Servants up to 35 years for candidates Castes / Scheduled Tribes up to five years and for candidates belonging to Other Backward belonging to Other Backward Classes up to three years in accordance with the instructions issued by the Govt. of India.

Note 1: The crucial date for determining the age-limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates in India (and not the closing date prescribed for those in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakah Division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Ilsands or Lakshadweep).

Note 2: In the case of recruitment made through the Employment Exchange, the crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the last date up to which the Employment Exchange is asked to submit the names.
(i)against serial number 1 relating to the post of Multi Tasking Staff, in column 7, in the entry,

in “Note 1” after the words “Lakakh Division of”, the words “Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of” shall be inserted;
Serial No.2
Column No.8
Matriculation or Equivalent or ITI from recognized Boards.

Not applicable in the case of Gramin Dak Sewaks. If the Gramin Dak Sewak selected for appointment by direct recruitment is non Matriculate, he shall be given training before he is appointed.

In case a Casual Labourer to be appointed as Multi Tasking Staff is non Matriculate he shall be given training before he is appointed.
(ii)against Serial number 2 relating to the post of Multi Tasking Staff,--

(a)in column (8), in the entry, after the word “Matriculation”, the words “or Equivalent” shall be omitted;

Serial No.2
Column No.11
(i)50%by direct recruitment from amongst Gamin Dak Sewaks* of recruiting and Division or Unit, on the basis of Selection-cum-seniority;

*Gramin Dak Sewaks are holders of civil posts but they are outside the regular civil service due to which their appointment will be by direct recruitment.

(ii)(a)25% by direct recruitment on the basis of Competitive Examination restricted to the Gramin Dak Sewaks of the Division or Unit, failing which by;
(b)direct recruitment from amongst Gramin Dak Sewaks of the recruiting Division or Unit on the basis of selection-cum-seniority;

(iii)(a)25% by appointment of Casual Labourers conferred with temporary status on the basis of selection-cum-seniority failing which by;
(b)appointment of Casual Labourers engaged on or before 1-9-1993; working for eight full hours in a day, on the basis of selection-cum-seniority failing which by;
(c)appointment of Casual Labourers conferred with temporary status in the neighboring Division or Unit on the basis of selection –cum-seniority, failing which by;
(d)appointment of Casual Labourers engaged on or before 1-9-1993 working for eight full hours in a day in the neighboring Division or Unit; on the basis of selection-cum-seniority, failing which by;
(e)appointment of part time Casual Labourers engaged on or before 1-9-1993 of the recruiting Division or Unit on the basis of selection-cum-seniority failing which by;
(f)by direct recruitment from amongst Gramin Dak Sevaks on the basis of their seniority in the Division or Unit.

Failing (i), (ii) and (iii) above by direct recruitment from open market.

(If there are more than one neighboring Division or Unit, the senior most Casual Labourer of that status amongst them shall be appointed)

1.For Postal Division or Unit, the neighboring Division of Unit as the case may be, shall be the Railway Mail Service Sub Division and vice-versa.

2.The above mentioned examination shall be governed by the instructions issued by the Department of Posts regarding the short listing criteria of the applicants from open market, syllabus and pattern of the test, etc., from time to time.
(b) in column (11), the entry,--
(A) in clause(i) for the figures “50%”, the figures “25%” shall be substituted;
(B) after clause (iii), the following clause shall be inserted, namely –
“(iv) 25% by direct recruitment from open market”

According to Amended Rectt. Rules, 2012 ::





Saturday, 14 July 2012

PFRDA Issues Revised Set of Guidelines for Registration of Pension Fund Managers to Manage National Pension System for the Non-Governmentand Private Sector

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance  
                                                                                     12-July-2012 18:10 IST
The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) today issued a revised set of guidelines for registration of Pension Fund Managers (PFMs) to manage the National Pension System (NPS) for the non-government and private sector. 

The revised guidelines, available on PFRDA’s website, have done away with the earlier bidding process, wherein a pre-determined number of slots were bid for by the PFMs, and the fees charged by them for managing the pension funds had to be uniform for all players. The earlier process has now been replaced by a system which lays down the eligibility criteria for registration as PFMs, and all interested players desiring to enter the pension industry, can register as PFMs subject to their fulfilling the eligibility criteria. There is no limitation on the number of PFMs. Further, the PFMs are now allowed to prescribe their own fee charges, subject to an overall ceiling to be laid down by PFRDA. It is expected that this would provide for an economically viable business model for the PFMs attracting a fresh set of entrants into the pension industry, and the resultant competition would ensure market driven fee structures, which would work to the advantage of the pension subscribers. 

The PFMs would also be expected to market the National Pension System (NPS) to the potential subscribers, deciding their own marketing and distribution channels as per their business perceptions. 

It may be recalled that the NPS has not achieved any significant progress in the private sector, despite passage of considerable time, and these guidelines have been awaited by the industry for quite some time. The changes are as per the recommendations of the Bajpai Committee, set up by PFRDA to go into the reasons for the slow progress of NPS in the private sector. The final guidelines have been issued subsequent to intensive discussions with all stakeholders, including existing and potential Pension Fund Managers as also suggestions received from pension subscribers. 

this is a test message

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Results of Postmaster Grade-I Examination held on 03/06/2012 - Directorate orders

Directorate announced results of Postmaster grade -I Examination held on 03/06/2012 vide Memo No.A-34013/04/12-DE dated 11/07/2012.

for more details  click the link

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

circle committee meating of postman & gr. D

 15.07.12 ഞായറാഴ്ച കൃത്യം 10 മണിക്ക്  ഏറണാകുളം  ബി.എം. എസ് .  പഠന ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രത്തില്‍ വെച്ച്  postman & group D  യുടെ സര്‍ക്കിള്‍ സമ്മേളനം നടക്കുന്ന വിവരം ഇതിനാല്‍  അറിയിച്ചുകൊള്ളുന്നു

 പ്രസ്തുത യോഗത്തില്‍ BPEU postman & group D     General Secretary   sri . Mohammed Zafarulla khan  പങ്കെടുക്കുന്നു

  എല്ലാ മെമ്പര്‍മാരും പങ്കെടുത്ത് സമ്മേളനം ഒരു വമ്പിച്ച വിജയമാക്കിത്തീര്‍ക്കുവാന്‍ അപേക്ഷിച്ചുകൊള്ളുന്നു


Mazdoor seva kendram
BMS office , Marayil Lane
Near Mymoon Theatre
Chittoor Road

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

6 New Postal Training Centres to start in 12th Plan period.

VADODARA: The department of posts will start six postal training centres (PTCs) across the country during the 12th Five Year Plan. Kamleshwar Prasad, member, human resource development in the Postal Services Board, New Delhi informed media persons here on Sunday.
Prasad was in the city to inaugurate golden jubilee celebrations of PTC, Vadodara and release a special cover to mark the occasion. He informed that at present the department has six full-time training facilities across the country, including PTC, Vadodara to meet the requirement of a workforce of five lakh.
"We are adopting National Training Policy 2012, which will provide all employees of the department three career development opportunities. This centres will be helpful in providing training to the workforce," he said, adding that the department is also moving ahead with its plans to go for complete computerization of post offices.
"This should be implemented by end of this year or early next year," he said. At present, there are nearly 1.55 lakh post offices across the country of which 9,500 are in Gujarat.
The PTC at Vadodara was established on July 1, 1962 to cater to the training needs of postal employees of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh postal circles.
The centre had started its functioning from a rented accommodation provided by Gujarat government on the premises of Karelibaug-based mental hospital. It was in 1985 that the centre was relocated to its present premises, opposite Harni airport. At present, it has a capacity of handling more than one lakh trainee days in a year.

Monday, 2 July 2012

1st July of every year – ‘Increment Day’ for Central Government employees

As per the 6th Pay Commission CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008, provisions of Rule 10 with effect from 1.1.2006, uniform date of increment was implemented for all Central Government employees i.e. 1st July of every year. One more condition for getting increment is provided in this rule, completing six months in the same pay as on 1st of July are only eligible to be granted the annual increment.  Who have not rendered six months period of service as on first of a year will not be eligible to draw increment on that day and their date of increment will fall 12 months later on the next 1st of July.
Today is the ‘Increment Day’ for all Central Government employees. If the increment  day falls on Sundays or holidays, the next working day will be taken as resumption day. In case of an employee taken leave  2.7.2012, his increment benefit will be granted only from the date on which he resumes duty and not from the first of July.
There would be rare chance to occur such problems to take leave on increment day. But whereas, better to avoid to take leave on first working day of any year. Normally most in the Government organisations, promotion orders are not publishing on  the date of promotion. If the promotion date falls on first January, there should be condition on assumption that the promotee should be present for the duty on that day of promotion. If not, the promotion is to be granted only from the date of resumption of duty on return from leave. According to this rule, qualifying period for earning an increment is six months on 1st July, the date of next increment will postponed to the next year.
In the light of the above situation, if the first day of any year falls on Sundays or Holidays, the Dopt clarified that the ‘Government servants who join posts on the 1st working day of the year will be treated to have completed six months of service on 1st of July of that year for the purpose of granting them annual increment on that day’.
Every Central Government employee should know the calculation of Annual or Promotion increment, one increment is equal three percent of the sum of the Pay in the Pay Band plus Grade Pay and it should be calculated and rounded off to the next multiple of ten.

Annual Increment calculation :-
An employee drawing a pay of Rs.12,030 including Grade Pay of Rs.4,600, his increment fixation will be fixed as follows…
Basic Pay including Grade Pay : Rs.12,030
3% increment for Rs.12,030 and it rounded off to the next multiple of ten : Rs. 360
His Basic Pay as fixed on 1st July : Rs.12,390
[Note that in the case of calculation of increments under the revised pay structure, paise should be ignored, but any amount of a rupee or more should be rounded off to next multiple of ten.]